cross clipart free colored and uncolored versions

I haven't posted regularly lately, between the holiday Blah's that have had me in a tailspin, and the holiday orders that have had me jumping for joy, Ive just been caught up in life and haven't really had a chance to post, or even to fully process all the thoughts in my head. 

fun christian cross image available colored and edited or untouched line drawing clip art image
a free uncolored clip art image for you to edit in any way you would life for personal or commercial use 300 dpi
as Im sure you may have noticed the cooking posts have been at a minimum lately, but that is because our little plantationites have all grown up. I clung to them for as long as I could, but the facts are what they are. Those folks who until now have needed me, if for no other reason than to fill and empty belly, no longer need me for that either. Now don't get me wrong, I am proud that i have raised people who are on the go, and out loving, and living life, and can afford to buy themselves a meal on the go. I am as pleased as punch that they are thriving in the real world. 

blog art, free art, free cross drawing, free biblical cross image colored and uncolored version available on

colored version also available on my blog at
But I am also a little depressed that they no longer need me at all. Food, that was my offering of value, the last thing they still needed me for. But they no longer need me for even that. Yes folks, the seasons of my life are changing, and I don't feel like I am ready for retirement from my old job, but when that job is no longer a position your company has a need for anyone to do, what do you do but retire, and try to find other interests? At the moment, my interest is Adobe photoshop, and adobe illustrator, and of course making decals and t-shirts.

cross, colored cross uncolored also available for any use crafts, silhouette cut files, scrapbooking, more

colored version also available on my blog for any use blog art, clip art, free clipart images

Yes folks, it's up to you now to give this old goat a reason to roll out of bed every morning. No one needs a booboo bandaged, a fever checked, a hot cooked meal anymore, not that I am discounting the grandbabies, but I am not solely managing that, they have a mom of their own, and all but my Ryan are on the cusp of leaving the nest.  So I am counting on you folks to need a sticker, a decal, a tshirt to fill that new found void in my life, so I still feel like I contribute something in this world. 

If you want to buy from my Esty shop here are a couple of my best selling items for you to consider i offer on etsy, top three selling items on my etsy sticker and decal shop, decals for your yeti cup

also here are 3 crosses, I am offering you a colored version and a line drawing version of each and they are as always free for you to do whatever you would like with them, commercial, or personal use. They were inspired by the loss of a young life in our community recently, only 18 or 19 years old and she got caught up in drugs and headed down a dark path and I guess God just saw fit to take her out of that lifestyle early rather than let her struggle with it for years. I had a prophetic dream about this child's passing that haunted me for days, and I won't get into all of that disturbia in this post, but after a few days of mourning for this child who was no more than an aquaintence to our family, and putting to bed the idea that my dream could have saved her, not to mention counting my blessings because she is my childrens age and I could very well be that mother laying her child to rest. I have lay that aside, and send thoughts and prays to and for the family, and thanks and prayers to God for not making it one of my own. 

I apologize, I could ramble on and on about this young girls passings, But I am trying not too.

So anyway, out of this tragedy came these crosses that I hope you guys can find a use for in your blogs, and crafts, and scrapbooks, and whatever other creatively brilliant ideas you can think of...

Peace and love to all..

Good Night from this old Plantationite



Phasellus facilisis convallis metus, ut imperdiet augue auctor nec. Duis at velit id augue lobortis porta. Sed varius, enim accumsan aliquam tincidunt, tortor urna vulputate quam, eget finibus urna est in augue.

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    cross clipart free colored and uncolored versions

    I haven't posted regularly lately, between the holiday Blah's that have had me in a tailspin, and the holiday orders that have had me jumping for joy, Ive just been caught up in life and haven't really had a chance to post, or even to fully process all the thoughts in my head. 

    fun christian cross image available colored and edited or untouched line drawing clip art image
    a free uncolored clip art image for you to edit in any way you would life for personal or commercial use 300 dpi
    as Im sure you may have noticed the cooking posts have been at a minimum lately, but that is because our little plantationites have all grown up. I clung to them for as long as I could, but the facts are what they are. Those folks who until now have needed me, if for no other reason than to fill and empty belly, no longer need me for that either. Now don't get me wrong, I am proud that i have raised people who are on the go, and out loving, and living life, and can afford to buy themselves a meal on the go. I am as pleased as punch that they are thriving in the real world. 

    blog art, free art, free cross drawing, free biblical cross image colored and uncolored version available on

    colored version also available on my blog at
    But I am also a little depressed that they no longer need me at all. Food, that was my offering of value, the last thing they still needed me for. But they no longer need me for even that. Yes folks, the seasons of my life are changing, and I don't feel like I am ready for retirement from my old job, but when that job is no longer a position your company has a need for anyone to do, what do you do but retire, and try to find other interests? At the moment, my interest is Adobe photoshop, and adobe illustrator, and of course making decals and t-shirts.

    cross, colored cross uncolored also available for any use crafts, silhouette cut files, scrapbooking, more

    colored version also available on my blog for any use blog art, clip art, free clipart images

    Yes folks, it's up to you now to give this old goat a reason to roll out of bed every morning. No one needs a booboo bandaged, a fever checked, a hot cooked meal anymore, not that I am discounting the grandbabies, but I am not solely managing that, they have a mom of their own, and all but my Ryan are on the cusp of leaving the nest.  So I am counting on you folks to need a sticker, a decal, a tshirt to fill that new found void in my life, so I still feel like I contribute something in this world. 

    If you want to buy from my Esty shop here are a couple of my best selling items for you to consider i offer on etsy, top three selling items on my etsy sticker and decal shop, decals for your yeti cup

    also here are 3 crosses, I am offering you a colored version and a line drawing version of each and they are as always free for you to do whatever you would like with them, commercial, or personal use. They were inspired by the loss of a young life in our community recently, only 18 or 19 years old and she got caught up in drugs and headed down a dark path and I guess God just saw fit to take her out of that lifestyle early rather than let her struggle with it for years. I had a prophetic dream about this child's passing that haunted me for days, and I won't get into all of that disturbia in this post, but after a few days of mourning for this child who was no more than an aquaintence to our family, and putting to bed the idea that my dream could have saved her, not to mention counting my blessings because she is my childrens age and I could very well be that mother laying her child to rest. I have lay that aside, and send thoughts and prays to and for the family, and thanks and prayers to God for not making it one of my own. 

    I apologize, I could ramble on and on about this young girls passings, But I am trying not too.

    So anyway, out of this tragedy came these crosses that I hope you guys can find a use for in your blogs, and crafts, and scrapbooks, and whatever other creatively brilliant ideas you can think of...

    Peace and love to all..

    Good Night from this old Plantationite


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