Simple sand dollar christmas tree ornaments

I am known for my creativity in the family, so when the stumble across something they think Ill have fun with they bring them to me. This time I was given some sand dollars. So Clarissa and I made some sand dollar christmas tree ornaments.

We only used three things in this craft, and the hardest part was waiting for them to dry.

Here is our results..

spray painted sand dollars, sand dollar and raffia christmas ornaments, easy simple sand dollar craft, sand dollar christmas crafts, sand dollar ideas

fun christmas ornaments made from sand dollars, fun sand dollar ideas, sand dollar crafts,

You can't tell by the pictures but the paint has a hint of glitter to it that I think will look awesome against the Christmas lights.

We used Rustoleum Multi-colored textured sandstone spray paint
and Raffia that we got at the Dollar tree

We took our sand dollars outside and sprayed them and let them dry, and then Clarissa helped me string the raffia on them and now they are ready to go on our Christmas tree..

I think I want to do a natural tree this year..

I want to string my own cranberries and popcorn for garland, and use these sand dollars and other natural things we can find around.. Maybe next Clarissa and I can make some grapevine, or pine cone, or acorn ornaments to go on our tree too.. There are so many natural things around we can create a beautiful tree with, and the thought of Clarissa telling her kids and grand kids about that time she helped WeeWoo make all the ornaments for the tree will be an awesome way to live on long after I'm gone.

To date the Christmas tree that my children still talk about, infact the only one they seem to ever mention is the one when we lived in Jackson SC, Hubby and I had split up for a while and I packed the kids up and we moved 45 minutes away from everyone and everything we knew to start a new life. As a single mama of 4 there was no Christmas ornament budget, so we all sat down together and strung up every happy meal toy they ever had and put them on that tree.. Barbie and Hotwheels was the happy meal theme them and so a few dollars on Christmas lights and a little time on stringing those happy meal toys to be ornaments and stringing popcorn into garland, and a tree was born. It wasn;t anything pretty and fancy. But it is the most memorable of all the Christmas trees this family ever had.

I want to make that mark on Clarissa too. I want a tree this year that is the one she remembers when she is 85, and when she and Paisley and Mama move away from the plantation and have their own home I want to be able to send the sand dollar ornaments we made together with her to remember our time together..

Show me pics of your Christmas tree, or Christmas crafts in comments.. share your links.. I want to see how you do Christmas..


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Simple sand dollar christmas tree ornaments

I am known for my creativity in the family, so when the stumble across something they think Ill have fun with they bring them to me. This time I was given some sand dollars. So Clarissa and I made some sand dollar christmas tree ornaments.

We only used three things in this craft, and the hardest part was waiting for them to dry.

Here is our results..

spray painted sand dollars, sand dollar and raffia christmas ornaments, easy simple sand dollar craft, sand dollar christmas crafts, sand dollar ideas

fun christmas ornaments made from sand dollars, fun sand dollar ideas, sand dollar crafts,

You can't tell by the pictures but the paint has a hint of glitter to it that I think will look awesome against the Christmas lights.

We used Rustoleum Multi-colored textured sandstone spray paint
and Raffia that we got at the Dollar tree

We took our sand dollars outside and sprayed them and let them dry, and then Clarissa helped me string the raffia on them and now they are ready to go on our Christmas tree..

I think I want to do a natural tree this year..

I want to string my own cranberries and popcorn for garland, and use these sand dollars and other natural things we can find around.. Maybe next Clarissa and I can make some grapevine, or pine cone, or acorn ornaments to go on our tree too.. There are so many natural things around we can create a beautiful tree with, and the thought of Clarissa telling her kids and grand kids about that time she helped WeeWoo make all the ornaments for the tree will be an awesome way to live on long after I'm gone.

To date the Christmas tree that my children still talk about, infact the only one they seem to ever mention is the one when we lived in Jackson SC, Hubby and I had split up for a while and I packed the kids up and we moved 45 minutes away from everyone and everything we knew to start a new life. As a single mama of 4 there was no Christmas ornament budget, so we all sat down together and strung up every happy meal toy they ever had and put them on that tree.. Barbie and Hotwheels was the happy meal theme them and so a few dollars on Christmas lights and a little time on stringing those happy meal toys to be ornaments and stringing popcorn into garland, and a tree was born. It wasn;t anything pretty and fancy. But it is the most memorable of all the Christmas trees this family ever had.

I want to make that mark on Clarissa too. I want a tree this year that is the one she remembers when she is 85, and when she and Paisley and Mama move away from the plantation and have their own home I want to be able to send the sand dollar ornaments we made together with her to remember our time together..

Show me pics of your Christmas tree, or Christmas crafts in comments.. share your links.. I want to see how you do Christmas..

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