Pulled pork, sauteed okra, and gratin Potatoes $88.00 budget

Tonight is pulled pork, sauteed okra, and au gratin potatoes. This is day 3 of our $88.00 budget, Im not sure if I mentioned the okra in the budget update yesterday, but it was part of it too, It was one of the frozen veggies one of our fine young adults brought into the meal budget this week, and I was going to do corn on the cob tonight but I thought for color balance purposes Id go with the Okra instead.

None of the critics are home yet to try it all out, but I think they will be pleased. I tried it and I am happy with the results.

In other news baby Paisley has learned her first word. Ever since her mama watched Hotel Transylvania with Paisley's big sister she has tried to teach her to say "blah blah" and well here we are at the 5 month mark and guess what her first word is.. Yep!!! Blah Blah..


She is eager to talk, so she throws some other sounds in there too just for flavor, and its the cutest thing ever.. Wanna see a video of it? Well probably you don't but being proud grandma that I am.. Imma show you anyway..

But here is a peek at tonight's dinner and I'm proud to say I have at least 2 more meals worth of meat in the fridge if not more so our $88.00 looks like it is going to do what needs done.

good eats, budget eating, pulled pork recipes, cooking, cheap dinner meals

Pulled pork, sauteed okra, and gratin Potatoes. The will have their choice if they want it on bread, and if they want BBQ sauce with it. This is hubby's plate and his take on meat is "if its cooked right I don't need the frills" so I am fairly confident I cooked it right and I have not given him any frills with it.

All three recipes are fairly simple. I like fairly simple. I like lots of flavor and not a lot of work. But I like for it to seem like I did a lot of work, I think this seems like that.. Im not telling them that I popped that pork roast in the oven for 4 hours and took a nap. They don't need to know all that.

Lately Ive just felt drained, Im not normally a napper but recently, I blame menopause and night sweats and lack of sleep at night because of night sweats for the much needed nap in the middle of the day. But they don't need to know that either..

Some of the ingredients you will read are not included in the list of things we bought this week, but some things you just don't buy every week, thank goodness for that.. 

But here are the recipes and I hope you enjoy them

Pulled pork, this is the last part of our tenderloin that we had cut into 2 roasts and 12 pork chops... It has served us well..

Pulled pork

1 pork roast
2 1/2 tbsp honey dijon mustard
2 tbsp instant coffee
1cup pepsi cola
1 tbsp liquid smoke
1 cup vinegar
garlic powder to taste
onion powder to taste
salt to taste
Sriracha seasoning blend to taste

reserve 1/2 cup pepsi and 1/2 cup apple cider vinegar and 1 tbsp instant coffee, for after cooking mix all other ingredients except pork in a bowl and rub into pork roast wrap tightly in tin foil let set for 30 minutes and then cook at 325 in the oven for 4 hours

once roast is done mix remaining pepsi, apple cider vinegar, lemon pepper, and coffee and set side while you shred the pork.. Pour these ingredients onto pork stirring to mix everything up really well and serve with buns or as is.. 

Gratin Potatoes

8 medium sized potatoes washes and cubed
1 stick butter melted
1/2 cup bacon ranch salad deressing
1/4 cup plain yogurt
1 cup shredded cheddar
salt to taste
onion powder to taste
parsley for pretty
celery salt to taste

Mix all ingredients in a mixing bowl until potatoes are well coated then transfer to a greased baking dish and cook in a 350 oven for 40 minutes covered tightly
remove foil and cook an additional 20-25 minutes until golden brown

let stand for 5-10 minutes for sauce to thicken

Sauteed Okra

1 bag frozen whole okra
1/2 stick butter
salt to taste
pepper to taste
onion powder to taste

add all ingredients to a frying pan and cook over medium high heat until okra changes color (about 12 minutes for froze okra)

Simple effective crowd pleasing meals.. I probably should have done a dessert but, they probably should have done some laundry too so it all balances out I reckon..


Phasellus facilisis convallis metus, ut imperdiet augue auctor nec. Duis at velit id augue lobortis porta. Sed varius, enim accumsan aliquam tincidunt, tortor urna vulputate quam, eget finibus urna est in augue.

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Pulled pork, sauteed okra, and gratin Potatoes $88.00 budget

Tonight is pulled pork, sauteed okra, and au gratin potatoes. This is day 3 of our $88.00 budget, Im not sure if I mentioned the okra in the budget update yesterday, but it was part of it too, It was one of the frozen veggies one of our fine young adults brought into the meal budget this week, and I was going to do corn on the cob tonight but I thought for color balance purposes Id go with the Okra instead.

None of the critics are home yet to try it all out, but I think they will be pleased. I tried it and I am happy with the results.

In other news baby Paisley has learned her first word. Ever since her mama watched Hotel Transylvania with Paisley's big sister she has tried to teach her to say "blah blah" and well here we are at the 5 month mark and guess what her first word is.. Yep!!! Blah Blah..


She is eager to talk, so she throws some other sounds in there too just for flavor, and its the cutest thing ever.. Wanna see a video of it? Well probably you don't but being proud grandma that I am.. Imma show you anyway..

But here is a peek at tonight's dinner and I'm proud to say I have at least 2 more meals worth of meat in the fridge if not more so our $88.00 looks like it is going to do what needs done.

good eats, budget eating, pulled pork recipes, cooking, cheap dinner meals

Pulled pork, sauteed okra, and gratin Potatoes. The will have their choice if they want it on bread, and if they want BBQ sauce with it. This is hubby's plate and his take on meat is "if its cooked right I don't need the frills" so I am fairly confident I cooked it right and I have not given him any frills with it.

All three recipes are fairly simple. I like fairly simple. I like lots of flavor and not a lot of work. But I like for it to seem like I did a lot of work, I think this seems like that.. Im not telling them that I popped that pork roast in the oven for 4 hours and took a nap. They don't need to know all that.

Lately Ive just felt drained, Im not normally a napper but recently, I blame menopause and night sweats and lack of sleep at night because of night sweats for the much needed nap in the middle of the day. But they don't need to know that either..

Some of the ingredients you will read are not included in the list of things we bought this week, but some things you just don't buy every week, thank goodness for that.. 

But here are the recipes and I hope you enjoy them

Pulled pork, this is the last part of our tenderloin that we had cut into 2 roasts and 12 pork chops... It has served us well..

Pulled pork

1 pork roast
2 1/2 tbsp honey dijon mustard
2 tbsp instant coffee
1cup pepsi cola
1 tbsp liquid smoke
1 cup vinegar
garlic powder to taste
onion powder to taste
salt to taste
Sriracha seasoning blend to taste

reserve 1/2 cup pepsi and 1/2 cup apple cider vinegar and 1 tbsp instant coffee, for after cooking mix all other ingredients except pork in a bowl and rub into pork roast wrap tightly in tin foil let set for 30 minutes and then cook at 325 in the oven for 4 hours

once roast is done mix remaining pepsi, apple cider vinegar, lemon pepper, and coffee and set side while you shred the pork.. Pour these ingredients onto pork stirring to mix everything up really well and serve with buns or as is.. 

Gratin Potatoes

8 medium sized potatoes washes and cubed
1 stick butter melted
1/2 cup bacon ranch salad deressing
1/4 cup plain yogurt
1 cup shredded cheddar
salt to taste
onion powder to taste
parsley for pretty
celery salt to taste

Mix all ingredients in a mixing bowl until potatoes are well coated then transfer to a greased baking dish and cook in a 350 oven for 40 minutes covered tightly
remove foil and cook an additional 20-25 minutes until golden brown

let stand for 5-10 minutes for sauce to thicken

Sauteed Okra

1 bag frozen whole okra
1/2 stick butter
salt to taste
pepper to taste
onion powder to taste

add all ingredients to a frying pan and cook over medium high heat until okra changes color (about 12 minutes for froze okra)

Simple effective crowd pleasing meals.. I probably should have done a dessert but, they probably should have done some laundry too so it all balances out I reckon..

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