life is short

Is your life where you planned it to be when you were a kid in your footie pajamas planning your future did you think it would be where you are right now? Do you have a bucket list?

My life, and probably no one out there has the life that they dreamed 20 years ago. Children dont seen the hidden stuff. In a childs life its all cut and dry and about right now. They dont know that today paves the path to tomorrow. How could they?

If I could go back and talk to 12 year old me I would tell me tht everything I do at twelve effects everything Ill ever do. Id tell me not to take that whole bottle of tylenol and hope death takes it away cuz id be missing out on so much now, and i'd have stomach troubles for the rest of my life because of it. Id tell myself that the boy that was my everything and knocked me up would dump me soon after the baby arrived. Id tell me to slow down and be young every chance I got. Because life is far to short to grow up to fast.


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life is short

Is your life where you planned it to be when you were a kid in your footie pajamas planning your future did you think it would be where you are right now? Do you have a bucket list?

My life, and probably no one out there has the life that they dreamed 20 years ago. Children dont seen the hidden stuff. In a childs life its all cut and dry and about right now. They dont know that today paves the path to tomorrow. How could they?

If I could go back and talk to 12 year old me I would tell me tht everything I do at twelve effects everything Ill ever do. Id tell me not to take that whole bottle of tylenol and hope death takes it away cuz id be missing out on so much now, and i'd have stomach troubles for the rest of my life because of it. Id tell myself that the boy that was my everything and knocked me up would dump me soon after the baby arrived. Id tell me to slow down and be young every chance I got. Because life is far to short to grow up to fast.

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