Never too old to learn and I need your help desperately

 I tend to get excited about things that make my children excited. My Ryan, 14 years old doesn't get excited about too many things, he is just easy going, laid back, if he has emotions, you'd never know it, he s just "whatever" usually. I mean Im sure he has emotions, but you just don't see them often.  Very even keeled young buck.

 But recently I have found something that excites him. Building his on gaming PC. He has been reading up on it, asking friends questions, and learning everything he can about it. I have been learning with him. Because I can use the heck out of a computer but to build one, I have no idea where to even start.

He sent me this image, Im not sure where he got it from but he said these are the things he needs to build his own computer for gaming..

building a gaming PC, advice on building a gaming PC, help us learn, Learning about building computers,

That info paired with what info I have plucked from different websites and This awesome parts compatibility website I found. I have started the buying for his system and hope to have all the piece he will need for the build by Christmas Morning. 

This week I bought the shell.. Im not sure that is the proper term for it, but the box everything will go inside of, and his motherboard. I figure the first thing needed is a house and a mother(board) am I right?? 

I, looking at this from a mothers point of view, maybe a little bit of a daydreamer point of view, I see it as the box it all goes into is the house, the motherboard is the Mother that keeps things running smoothly, and everything else is the furniture, or children, or whatever household items would be inside. God Im lame. Years ago I'd have know the terms, and these things I'm ordering wouldn't seem like Im ordering off of a foreign menu. When I look at the words used to describe the things I'm ordering, for all I know I could be ordering fried eyeballs and chicken peckers.. 

So, Im hoping to appeal to any of you who are computer savvy or know someone who is, so you can maybe steer me in the direction of a good build for a gaming PC, that is also financially in my budget.

As I mentioned I started the buying today, and these are the pieces I ordered.. If you can tell me the best direction to go from here, and if the direction I have started in is a good one I would be so appreciative. Id even feature you and your excellent advice in a future post..

The motherboard I ordered 
MSI 970 GAMING DDR3 2133 ATX AMD Motherboard

Is she gonna be a good mama or no??

This link is too a refurbished one and I ordered new it was only 1 penny more for brand new so why not.. But For whatever reason amazon wouldn't let me link to that one.

and here is the case I ordered.. The one I ordered said it comes with 3 fans.. Do we need 3 fans? I have no idea?

Rosewill ATX Mid Tower Black Gaming Computer Case Galaxy-01 Black

So what do you guys think about where we started and what is our best options for a good setup. He wants to play things like world of warcraft, and i think there is a battleship game, or something with tanks, and I think something called age of empires, and he wants to share with his sister so she can play Sims,, I think I might have heard the word minecraft too at some point... But don't quote me on any of that cuz I could just be speaking "momanese" and wrong about it all..

I was told its not a good idea to buy a part at atime, but its the only way we can afford to do it and get him a gaming system together by christmas, plus he is excited about building his first system and I want him to be able to do that. I would love for him to find a hobby outside of gaming that he can enjoy. So Help is appreciated if you can..

any advice on building a gaming PC on a budget is welcome.. Is not only welcome but invited, begged for.. NEEDED desperately.


Phasellus facilisis convallis metus, ut imperdiet augue auctor nec. Duis at velit id augue lobortis porta. Sed varius, enim accumsan aliquam tincidunt, tortor urna vulputate quam, eget finibus urna est in augue.

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    Never too old to learn and I need your help desperately

     I tend to get excited about things that make my children excited. My Ryan, 14 years old doesn't get excited about too many things, he is just easy going, laid back, if he has emotions, you'd never know it, he s just "whatever" usually. I mean Im sure he has emotions, but you just don't see them often.  Very even keeled young buck.

     But recently I have found something that excites him. Building his on gaming PC. He has been reading up on it, asking friends questions, and learning everything he can about it. I have been learning with him. Because I can use the heck out of a computer but to build one, I have no idea where to even start.

    He sent me this image, Im not sure where he got it from but he said these are the things he needs to build his own computer for gaming..

    building a gaming PC, advice on building a gaming PC, help us learn, Learning about building computers,

    That info paired with what info I have plucked from different websites and This awesome parts compatibility website I found. I have started the buying for his system and hope to have all the piece he will need for the build by Christmas Morning. 

    This week I bought the shell.. Im not sure that is the proper term for it, but the box everything will go inside of, and his motherboard. I figure the first thing needed is a house and a mother(board) am I right?? 

    I, looking at this from a mothers point of view, maybe a little bit of a daydreamer point of view, I see it as the box it all goes into is the house, the motherboard is the Mother that keeps things running smoothly, and everything else is the furniture, or children, or whatever household items would be inside. God Im lame. Years ago I'd have know the terms, and these things I'm ordering wouldn't seem like Im ordering off of a foreign menu. When I look at the words used to describe the things I'm ordering, for all I know I could be ordering fried eyeballs and chicken peckers.. 

    So, Im hoping to appeal to any of you who are computer savvy or know someone who is, so you can maybe steer me in the direction of a good build for a gaming PC, that is also financially in my budget.

    As I mentioned I started the buying today, and these are the pieces I ordered.. If you can tell me the best direction to go from here, and if the direction I have started in is a good one I would be so appreciative. Id even feature you and your excellent advice in a future post..

    The motherboard I ordered 
    MSI 970 GAMING DDR3 2133 ATX AMD Motherboard

    Is she gonna be a good mama or no??

    This link is too a refurbished one and I ordered new it was only 1 penny more for brand new so why not.. But For whatever reason amazon wouldn't let me link to that one.

    and here is the case I ordered.. The one I ordered said it comes with 3 fans.. Do we need 3 fans? I have no idea?

    Rosewill ATX Mid Tower Black Gaming Computer Case Galaxy-01 Black

    So what do you guys think about where we started and what is our best options for a good setup. He wants to play things like world of warcraft, and i think there is a battleship game, or something with tanks, and I think something called age of empires, and he wants to share with his sister so she can play Sims,, I think I might have heard the word minecraft too at some point... But don't quote me on any of that cuz I could just be speaking "momanese" and wrong about it all..

    I was told its not a good idea to buy a part at atime, but its the only way we can afford to do it and get him a gaming system together by christmas, plus he is excited about building his first system and I want him to be able to do that. I would love for him to find a hobby outside of gaming that he can enjoy. So Help is appreciated if you can..

    any advice on building a gaming PC on a budget is welcome.. Is not only welcome but invited, begged for.. NEEDED desperately.

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