Chicken stew recipe and family update

We were blessed today to have the family visit, our two teenage nephews, my oldest daughter and grand baby, and a neighbor kid we love like our own who calls us mama and daddy. The oldest daughter was sick, and she "needed" mama's chicken stew.. My youngest daughter and grand baby don't like chicken stew so we made one pot spaghetti for them, and I had some left over pork I posted the recipe for in my last post.  Here is that recipe if you are interested it was a big hit. The sweet balanced the spicy excellently and the kids gobbled up the wraps,  I ran out of tortilla wrappers before I ran out of pork so we took the remaining pork and put it on Hawaiian sweet rolls and had sliders which were equally loved.. They were the first thing to be eaten and they asked if there was more..

So anyway there was something here that everyone loved, and almost all of everything has been eaten. That always makes me feel like a winner winner chicken stew dinner...

Here are the recipes for the one pot spaghetti.. I got the spaghetti recipe from this recipe n The skimpy Pantry blog. I tweaked it a little. I used 1 small can of tomato paste, 3 cans tomato sauce, one can diced tomatoes, and about 3 cups water, 2 tbsp sugar, the dried oregano and basil that it calls for and I added my Parmesan cheese to the sauce. I followed the cooking instructions as they have them, but you can add your favorite spaghetti fixings whatever you like.

The chicken stew is a recipe I have used since my kids were babies.. It's simple and delicious. Warms the tummy... Wow.. It never lasts very long around here. E#specially when my daughter comes to visit.

4 chicken breasts
1 cup carrots
1 cup celery (I chop up the leafy ends along with the celery stalks because I like the way it looks)
1 cup onions
2 cups potatoes
3/4 cup sour cream
3 cloves garlic finely chopped
2 cans Campbell's cream of chicken and mushroom soup
dash of Cayenne pepper
dash of cinnamon
dash of salt and pepper

boil chicken and set aside to cool, add other ingredients to pot tear chicken from bone and shred add it back to the pot simmer on medium low heat until potatoes and carrots are done.

The chicken stew is a dish that I can say no matter how big a pot I make I have NEVER once had left over s of this stuff...

Hope you enjoy...


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Chicken stew recipe and family update

We were blessed today to have the family visit, our two teenage nephews, my oldest daughter and grand baby, and a neighbor kid we love like our own who calls us mama and daddy. The oldest daughter was sick, and she "needed" mama's chicken stew.. My youngest daughter and grand baby don't like chicken stew so we made one pot spaghetti for them, and I had some left over pork I posted the recipe for in my last post.  Here is that recipe if you are interested it was a big hit. The sweet balanced the spicy excellently and the kids gobbled up the wraps,  I ran out of tortilla wrappers before I ran out of pork so we took the remaining pork and put it on Hawaiian sweet rolls and had sliders which were equally loved.. They were the first thing to be eaten and they asked if there was more..

So anyway there was something here that everyone loved, and almost all of everything has been eaten. That always makes me feel like a winner winner chicken stew dinner...

Here are the recipes for the one pot spaghetti.. I got the spaghetti recipe from this recipe n The skimpy Pantry blog. I tweaked it a little. I used 1 small can of tomato paste, 3 cans tomato sauce, one can diced tomatoes, and about 3 cups water, 2 tbsp sugar, the dried oregano and basil that it calls for and I added my Parmesan cheese to the sauce. I followed the cooking instructions as they have them, but you can add your favorite spaghetti fixings whatever you like.

The chicken stew is a recipe I have used since my kids were babies.. It's simple and delicious. Warms the tummy... Wow.. It never lasts very long around here. E#specially when my daughter comes to visit.

4 chicken breasts
1 cup carrots
1 cup celery (I chop up the leafy ends along with the celery stalks because I like the way it looks)
1 cup onions
2 cups potatoes
3/4 cup sour cream
3 cloves garlic finely chopped
2 cans Campbell's cream of chicken and mushroom soup
dash of Cayenne pepper
dash of cinnamon
dash of salt and pepper

boil chicken and set aside to cool, add other ingredients to pot tear chicken from bone and shred add it back to the pot simmer on medium low heat until potatoes and carrots are done.

The chicken stew is a dish that I can say no matter how big a pot I make I have NEVER once had left over s of this stuff...

Hope you enjoy...

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