app review Dr. Panda toto's treehouse

I was looking for an app for my grand daughter to play. She is 22 months old soon to be 2. I downloaded a couple coloringbook pages that had decent reviews, she didnt really care for them too much. She would play them for a few minutes and then lose interest. Same with a couple lego apps we tried. But then I found Dr. panda Toto's treehouse, its a little virtual turtle that you can feed, bathe, play games with, put him to sleep, and she will play that game for the longest time, to the point she wont even answer when you try to talk to her. totally engrossed in the game. Her favorite part is hiding the turtle under a cup and trying to guess which cup he is under, and she likes making him ice creams. She even laughs out loud at this app.

Aside from toto's treehouse, she likes movies on netflix and amazon. But those are the only apps Ive found that she REALLY enjoys. Toto's playhouse cost about 2.99 but was well worth it. If you don't have it you should get it for your little one.


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    app review Dr. Panda toto's treehouse

    I was looking for an app for my grand daughter to play. She is 22 months old soon to be 2. I downloaded a couple coloringbook pages that had decent reviews, she didnt really care for them too much. She would play them for a few minutes and then lose interest. Same with a couple lego apps we tried. But then I found Dr. panda Toto's treehouse, its a little virtual turtle that you can feed, bathe, play games with, put him to sleep, and she will play that game for the longest time, to the point she wont even answer when you try to talk to her. totally engrossed in the game. Her favorite part is hiding the turtle under a cup and trying to guess which cup he is under, and she likes making him ice creams. She even laughs out loud at this app.

    Aside from toto's treehouse, she likes movies on netflix and amazon. But those are the only apps Ive found that she REALLY enjoys. Toto's playhouse cost about 2.99 but was well worth it. If you don't have it you should get it for your little one.

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