homeschooling the Hawaiian volcano

When I can I like to teach my boys about current events. This volcano that is in the news right now is a perfect example. I like that it can...

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a sea of paper fish

a sea of paper fish

this is the latest digital art I have created. Just listed on m for sale. It started off as a digital photo of a bicycle abd en...

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What is a fractal?

What is a fractal?

I have no idea. I mean its lots of pretty colors and shapes and I enjoy looking at them, but I downloaded this fractal generator for free. T...

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spit baths

  I read it somewhere that a mothers spit is one of the most powerful cleaning solvents known to man when it comes to cleaning up a dirty ch...

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boiling peanuts in a crock pot

boiling peanuts in a crock pot

one of my families favorite snack foods is boiled peanuts, and we boil them every chance we get. We prefer the red skinned to the big wh...

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some of my art

some of my art

It hasn't been a great day. Ive been depressed. I get that way, but then I get over it. I haven't done anything drastic so far. I li...

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The aftermath

I guess the depression started before the affair. The knowing, but not knowing, the wanting to ask, but not wanting to accuse. The "a w...

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homeschooling the Hawaiian volcano

When I can I like to teach my boys about current events. This volcano that is in the news right now is a perfect example. I like that it can cover so many different subjects in our school day. Science, History, (could also lead into an archeology lesson) maybe even math if we talk about inches of lava, temp of lava, rate of speed of the lava, etc. It could make a perfect writing assignment too. Volcano's are the classic science fair go-to for many kids as well. So I think we might create ourselves a volcano as well in the spirit of education. I have also used this time to broaden their horizons somewhat about the elections we are coming upon. (Michelle Nunn I am still not a fan of yours by the way.) Living where we do, on the georgia, carolian border in an area called the CSRA we hear all of those georgia political commercials, EVER fin flappin; day. Its strange to me that we havent heard anything about south carolina politicians.  I guess we just do it different in south carolina, and by different I mean better.  Everything is finer is south caroliner...

What are you and your homeschoolers learning right now? DO you think it is a successful lesson plan?

a sea of paper fish

this is the latest digital art I have created. Just listed on for sale. It started off as a digital photo of a bicycle abd ended up like this. I used photoshop and filter forge 4 to  create this. I love it.

What is a fractal?

I have no idea. I mean its lots of pretty colors and shapes and I enjoy looking at them, but I downloaded this fractal generator for free. This site has a link to several, and I tried several, but I don't know what all that weird calculation is about. And when I create a fractal I like and want to encorporate it into my art I don't know how to change it to a file format that is compatible with my photoshop, so If anyone has a link to something easy to comprehend that explains all that Id love to take a look. Thanks.

Here is a link to the site with all the fractal downloads you can try.

spit baths

  I read it somewhere that a mothers spit is one of the most powerful cleaning solvents known to man when it comes to cleaning up a dirty child. My mother must have believed this to be true because Ive had more than my fair share of spit baths. I ALWAYS thought it was gross beyond anything on the gross-o-meter it was so gross there wasnt even a scale to measure it. But if there was a scale I believe Ive had a few F-5 spit baths in my younger days. I remember one particular spit bath, mom had eaten garlic and coffee at lunchtime and it was especially unappealing in aroma and in slime factor, and I recall stomping my little adolescent foot and telling her "if I ever had kids I would NEVER spit on theri face" Her response was something in the way of a reminder that it was the only way most animals had to wash their young, and I should be thankful I had a mom who cared about my face being clean, and tho I was young, knowing my mother tehre was probably a little nugget in there about how I would change my tune when my kids came along. Perhaps the main scar wasnt the foul stinch of coffee and garlic being smeared across my face, but more and unfortunate incedent once where I walked in on my parents engaging in some marital antics, that left a young impressionable girl with the misfortune of knowing where her mothers mouth had been.

In any case, I am proud to report that my youngest child is 12 years old and I have never to this day rubbed my spit across their faces, or any other part of theri being. Ok.. I might have slicked down a hair or two on a baby with mama spit, but that was way before they were old enough to remember any of it, so I dont think that counts. Besides, It was never as close to their smeller as a spit bath  facial might be.

I go into all this to get to one point, Dont give your child a spit bath with your spit moms. If they absolutely have to have a spit bath, there is no baby wipes, or sink with water, or wet rag handy, they please, O beg of you please, for the childrens sake, let them do the spitting. wash that childs face with their own spit. Kids love to spit, im sure it would be no great feat to get a child of either gender to spit on a rag, and you might be surprised at how much less protest you meet when the spit in their face is their own.

boiling peanuts in a crock pot

one of my families favorite snack foods is boiled peanuts, and we boil them every chance we get. We prefer the red skinned to the big white ones and even more than that we love the little baby nuts with the shell so soft you can eat them shell and all and its mostly juice. That is the the best part, its like a little extra gift in the peanut pot.

We have tried all sorts of things with our peanuts. here are some ideas we have tried..

Adding bacon to the pot.. It makes it really greasy and im not fond of the grease, but the flavor is excellent..

old bay seasoning ... eh... its good but im not an old bay fan so much. HUbby likes it tho.

vinegar,,,, I read somewhere once that adding a spot of vinegar to the peanuts would make them easier to shell, and wouldnt change the flavor. they were wrong. I did not enjoy. Maybe i added too much

dried ranch dressing... the flavor was there but very subtle, if I try this again Ill add two packets and see what that tastes like.

hickory smoke flavor was decent.. worth a try

that is about all the adventuring in peanuts that we have done but there are so many ideas you could try. Of course if you are like me you think boiled peanuts are perfect the traditional way..

Have you tried any interesting add ins to your boiled peanuts?

some of my art

It hasn't been a great day. Ive been depressed. I get that way, but then I get over it. I haven't done anything drastic so far. I like to think of someone who has worse problems than me. (well I don't like to think of anyone having any kinds of problems, so "like" might not be the appropriate word. ) Somewhere out there a woman is being beaten right now, a child is being molested, a single mom is dying of a terminal illness and there is no family to take in her child. By those terms, I guess my life is pretty good. So, ill plow forward atleast one more day and try not to dwell to much on hubby's infidelity, and lack of love for me.

My son is in rare form tonight, sewing some of those 16 year old oats that are gonna get his ass in over his head. He has company over now, and so I have kept my bitching at a minimum so far. But tomorrow, he had better hope sleeping on it has calmed me down cuz right now im ready to take everything but the air he breathes. I still love him tho. He is still my boy. But there will be consequences.

With all that said, lets get down to the good in my day. Today hubby cooked sausage, and it was good, its this link type sausage that you can only get at the meat market down the road a peace, and at this turkey shoot that he goes too. Well he turkey shooted, ?turkey shot?, last night and won some and actually got in there and cooked it himself today. This is a big deal becasue I think I might have seen him cook anything ever.. maybe twice in 20 years, and it was not pretty either time.

But this sausage was good, the grandbaby eat her weight in sausage and I think "no papa" found his way into her heart via that sausage. Hannah took over supper duty and we are eating late, but we are about to have chicken parmesan, and bacon green beans, and garlic bread... Smells so good. Cant wait, and uber thankful for the night off from the stove.

Just finished eating and good gawly that was some fine dining no doubt., I  may have to turn over the spatula and flipping fork permanently. I want to eat like that every night.

Well that is all I have to say and there aint no more, so Ill end this post with an art show and bid you all good night.

I hope you have enjoyed visiting. see you next time...

The aftermath

I guess the depression started before the affair. The knowing, but not knowing, the wanting to ask, but not wanting to accuse. The "a woman always knows" things in my head that I couldnt bring to light, and then all at once, like a train that I never saw coming, it hit me, with such ferocity that I think I died. Maybe not the external me, but something deep in me died that day, and here I am a shell of a woman, clinging to something, Im not even sure is worth clinging to. Something I think I need, but can't trust. I still hurt all these months later. He expectes me to just forget it ever happened, and get back to the normalcy we once knew as if this affair, and this pain never existed. God knows, Id like that as much as anyone, but how do you unknow something? How do you forget that your spouse ripped out your very soul?

I have become nothing in the aftermath of it all. I am so broken and ashamed, and genuinely hurt by it all that some days I think suicide would be a better option than living this tortured existence, living in constant fear of what everyone might know that they whisper about in the shadows, that doesn't hurt them at all, but rips at the core of my being. Yet they whisper amongst themselves as if its "their" secret to keep.

Call me crazy, But its not the affair that hurts, its not the secretive nature of everyone who knew before me that hurts, Its not any of the things you think it might be that rips at my soul. Its the lack of honesty. I can deal with an affair, I can deal with the whole town knowing, with that woman posting our life story including the parts that involved her on facebook. What I am struggling with is the lies. Even when he was caught, right down to the last second, right down to the part where he could not deny it, he did. He denied every bit of it until there was no option but to own it. That is what kills me inside. I cannot trust him. Not even a little.

Different folks have different ideas of wht a relationship should have to be whole. My thing was honesty. Get a girlfriend if you need to, I wont ask, you dont tell. But when it comes to a point where the cat is out of the bag and IM confronting you because this jaded whore is plastering it all over my facebook wall for my children, and parents, and friends, to see, be honest. Your loyalty wasn't to any commitment you made to me. Your own words to me were that she had told you that if ya'lll were caught that you both should deny it all to the bitter end. Even when she cracked and told the story, you still remained loyal to your commitment to her to deny it. You spit right on the commitment to me, to the mother of your children, to love honor and respect till death do us part forsaking all others. You forsaked me, the mother of your children, the woman who has waited for 20 years for you to stop being a traveling man and just be my husband. You chose to be loyal to the woman who knowingly partook in lies and deciet. How can I ever trust you again? How can you ask me to forget this pain? How can I find a way to carry on? Nothing matters anymore, and why should it, because any part you were involved in would probably be riddle with lies and deciet anyway.

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